The rules for the use of these forum's are simple.
No abusive or personal attack posts. Constructive criticism is not only OK, but to be encouraged, but offensive and/or abusive and/or personal attack posts will not be tolerated and will be removed without warning.
Please keep to the topic. Off topic posts will either be moved to a more relevant area or deleted.
If any part of a post falls within the above disqualification rules, but other parts of the post may be of benefit to the wider radio yachting community, that post will still be deleted.
Repeated violations of the above rules by users will result in the users being banned from these forum's. Again, no warning will be given.
And there is no recourse. The decision of the Administrator is final. If you do not agree to these conditions, do not post here.
Otherwise, enjoy, and help contribute to the positive experience that is Radio Yachting, in all its forms.