I'm having trouble here finding a spot to say this. Maverick Your giving me trouble!! on the above subjects you have in conviently stiffled the conversation , like the EC12 page, R6m, The real thing, Interesting happening.
The conversation gets to a point where I cannot answer. Take the R6m page, you want to know where they're sailing ? I don't know, nowhere , I think? Perhaps you might to answer that one? But do we now wait for someone to provide us with an answer? You could have said something else, rather that ask a question of somebody, who has not answered? I thought it was pretty obvious that R6M was a thing of the past. Even the old guy (the Ex-vane boat man) who you spoke to didn't answer. So where does that leave the conversation ..... up the creek without a paddle X 4.
At some stage we are going to have a conversation where we have the answers , too? This will be interesting.
As at midnight tonight, 23 people had visited these forums in the last 24 hours.
Yet none had the desire, courage, or the inclination, or the interest to leave a comment.
So where do we go from here? We apparently have lots of bystanders, but none who are prepared to state their interest, or disinterest, or make any comment whatsoever. The silent majority.
If this is what this sport is all about, then so be it. Let the sport die out. If existing participants don't give a stuff, then how on earth can they expect to get new folks into this sport?