But are the 2 - 3 boats mutually exclusive? i.e. Does it really mean if we sail one boat we cannot sail the other?
For the life of me I cannot see whay that would be the case. Personally I reckon there is room for all three 12's. Because one sails say an A2/N12, that does not mean that you will no longer want to sail an EC12. I do not see the logic of thinking that if you sail one you cannot sail the others.
The boats are all 12-metres. They are all beautiful looking boats. The EC12 is in my personal experience a hard boat to sail well. That's why I will sail my N12/A2 until I acquire more skills. Then I will take my EC12 out again, and if I can then sail her well, it will be one of the most satisfying moments I will ever have had in this sport.
The A2/N12's are great boats to sail in all conditions and much more forgiving and suitable, in my opinion, to the new skipper. I think if the EC12 was the first boat I ever sailed, I would have given up sailing, whereas now, I have a goal of being able to sail well enough to competently handle my EC12. So it's kind of horses for courses I reckon.
History has shown that as soon as an organisation starts to worry about competition instead of embracing it, that organisation is doomed to fail.
And I really do believe there is room and a place for all three boats, so in particular, I don't think the EC12's have anything to be concerned about.
So maybe we can hope that if there are any A2's in the hands of EC12'ers, let's get them out and up and sailing. And if the A2'ers and the N12'ers can get together, so much the better. And as I said earlier, there is room for all and I don't think anybody need worry that if they sail one of the others their own favourite will lose favour.
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The question goes begging on what to do with the Australian 2s already made, that are in the hands of EC12 ers. They are not going to do anything with them , for the fear that in doing so that it interfers with the EC12 group. So the type just sits there for all eternty for no reason.
At some stage these people are going to have to get a new boat or in this case a new EC12, cause the old one is simply going to ware out. It does happen. Now I can see them at that stage saying do I get another EC12 or a A2? Now I don't think everyone's boat is going to wear out at exactly the same time , far from it. And lets face it , some ponds have got weed and some haven't got weed , so there will always be a question mark in some peoples mind on what to do? I can't answer all their questions like this . We can do nothing and just let it all go away and so we have no problems......................................... Till. Some person 10 years from now will say "Why didn't they use that A2 boat , it has some fine sailing qualities, etc.......................?