Good News.. My Membership form arrived the other day. My confuser hated the format & it has taken me a few days to be able to print the sucker.
Safe to say I will be sending off a payment shortly.
Doubt I will have an EC12 anytime soon. So my membership is more of a donation. I might ask that somebody be prepared to take my Proxy (if it is allowed) as they might have more knowledge in where things need to go. So far I'm happy with what I see from Peter (Straw) & where you guys would like the class heading.
Hang in there, we're not prepared to let you and your progressive views for the class be destroyed by a minority of disgruntled ego trippers.
There must be a way forward and I will make every effort to stand with you and develope any mechanism necessary to achieve continuity for all EC12 Owners.
Now for some background.
And the intrigue deepens.
Information gained today indicates the Australian IOM Association (AIOMCA) was founded under the previous National organisation known as Australian Model Yachting Association (AMYA). Im unsure of the date when the AMYA was wound up and replaced by the current Australian Radio Yachting Association (ARYA), perhaps someone can enlighten us and provide the date.
As the AIOMCA had been approved by the previous AMYA organisation, the inaugural ARYA executive committee acknowledged and accepted their association as part of the ARYA structure. For reasons unknown at this point in time, the inaugural ARYA executive committee implemented a constitution that made no provision or acceptance of other class association applications and it is this decision that has now lead to the ARYA Secretary issuing the Interim Associations Policy as posted above.
The mind boggles for reasoning when attempting to understand the motive behind any decision of acceptance for an established association without incorporating regulations to allow application from other classes seeking association acceptance????
I hasten to add, the recent submission from the AEC12OA is not the First by far,,,, over the years the 10 Rater Class attempted to establish their association with a number of members joining and paying their subscription. For reason unknown, this too disappeared into the abyss without explanation???
Back to the EC12 class, I am aware of at least two previous attempts to establish an association without success and once again the reasons surrounding non acceptance remain unpublished. (Theres a pattern forming here!) The closest anyone has managed, resulted in the formation of the Sydney based East Coast Sailing Association (ECSA) many years ago. Unfortunately, the ECSA operates in name only and exists as a de-incorporated club. (Lost opportunities?). But thats a separate chapter of history containing its own successes and disappointments.
This now brings us back to (1) feasibility of the content contained in the ARYA Secretarys Interim Associations Policy? and (2) will the existing AIOMCA be subject to compliance with this Policy?
Hello everyone, it has just come to my attention that this website was available and being used for the purposes of discussion about radio sailing generally after the shameful and continuing closure of the ARYA forum.
I note that there has been vigorous discussion regarding the current disposition of the AEC12OA and the situation that now prevails in relation to the current approach that ARYA now have towards that organization, and I thought that it would be appropriate to address these matters including the reason for my resignation as the NCC for the EC12 class.
From the outset let me say that the entire process that we in the AEC12OA started over 1 year ago, has been the most unfair and upsetting experience that I have been involved with and what has amounted to being a rejection of what I formulated as a way forward for the class, left me in an untenable position as the NCC. I came to the conclusion that I had given it my best shot and it was appropriate that I move aside and let someone else assume the role and perhaps do a better job than I.
In explanation let me say that during this process whereby the submission that was submitted to the ARYA (the submission was lodged twice, once by QRYA and then by me because Ken Dobbie refused to accept the submission from the state council and insisted that it had to come from the NCC, this represented another month in time lost over a question of protocol which I believe was another time wasting exercise for the express purpose of trying to delay the process) designed in order to pull up by the boot straps, the appalling state of affairs that the EC12 class had degenerated down to, was shamefully abused by the ARYA executive by its ineptitude and delay (probably due to disinterest in the affairs of the EC12 class in this country) as well as a demonstrable failure to observe its number one mandate in its constitution which is to" promote radio sailing in all its forms within Australia"!
Further to this was the deliberate undermining of the submission via the efforts of a very few, nasty small minded individuals residing in NSW (they know who they are) and I have no doubt that whatever they had to say to the ARYA managed to influence the decision making process of that body. I cannot fathom what their main objections were and assume it was some selfishly influenced notion. My ponderings on what these objections were came down to some misconceived thought that their existing boats may somehow have been disadvantaged or made redundant or perhaps that there was some bright spark out there who mistakenly thought that their intention of making some sort of commercial killing in manufacturing EC12 hulls was going to be threatened by the introduction of the new American standard mould into the country. The submission was clear on this point and it stated that all existing registered EC12 would be grandfathered and have nothing to worry about. Instead what did we get but poisonous and destructive mewlings from these few small and pathetic little men that managed to sway or frighten ARYA in its deliberations. Well a pox on all of them!
Let me also be clear here when I refer to ARYA I am really only talking about Ken Dobbie. The rest of the executive are just slavish "yes men" to him and I have never come accross a more disinterested bunch of individuals in my experience. Even the president is incapable of making a decision without Ken Dobbie's approval as was recently demonstated when the "great man" became ill and was warned off doing any ARYA business by his medical advice, I was reliably informed.
This was a fine old state of affairs when it became apparent that in the absence of the national secretary, no ARYA business was being dealt with and absolutely no contingency was in place for a "fill in"person to take over the role or replace him as the need required! I am incredulous at the revalation of all of this and this is the nature of the ARYA which I was relying on to gain a fair and honest hearing from in order to hopefully advance the interests of the EC12 class here in Australia!
So when the absolute drivel that finally issued forth from KD which was supposed to represent the refined and well thought out response to the AEC12OA submission, I was shattered. Not only did it fraudulently in my opinion attempt to degrade and reduce the entire content of the submission document down to a debate over whether the ARYA had constitutional ability to recognize class associations, but he then released a further announcement that indicated all the conditions that he would like to see complied with if he was to allow an interim recognition by ARYA of class associations!!!
How mighty white of him! What business is it of ARYA about how class associations will organize themselves and empower themselves etc etc! We have all witnessed the closed-mindedness of ARYA in respect of new classes coming onto the scene, the Micro Magic class a classic example of this.
I sympathize completely with the position that Graeme Turk was placed in when attempting to establish the MM and the innovative ways that he had to rely upon to get that class up and going. Nothing but hurdles and obstruction placed in his path by our illustrios national authority when all the time instaed of being difficult they should have been saying to Graeme,"gee mate, its great what you are doing with this great little entry level class! What can we as the national authority do to help you in this task?"
And while we are on the subject of class designation, why is it that ARYA continue to regard the EC12 as a national class when quite demonstrably it no longer fullfills the basic criteria ARYA laid down of requirements for having that categorization and has not for many years. Just another indication of the failure of the national authority to be relied upon to enforce its own rules. If the EC12 can be regarded as a national class then I would say that the Micro Magic must romp it in in the qualification stakes for national class status but it languishes as KD describes it as only a quasi local class and therefor not worthy of any greater formal recognition than that.
I feel qualified now in speaking about the MM class as I recently had the opportunity of sailing one in a recent regatta here in QLD. I too was guilty of somewhat looking down on the class myself, but after having sailed one, have adopted a completely different and respectful position on that class and it has made me understand just how badly we are let down by the poor performance of our national authority. It would seem that unless your class is one of the 4 or 5 annointed ones, then you don't rate, so please don't bring any of your non descript classes around here and hope that they will achieve national class status! You are dreamin if you think otherwise You know what they say " a refusal often offends".
So in conclusion where do we now stand with all of this you may well ask.
Well, firstly, the fortunes of the EC12 are not one further inch advanced except perhaps for the bit of work Gary Taylor and myself have put in in our ideas and sail plans etc.
Secondly the ARYA still "own" the EC12 class in this country as they control the rule base.
Thirdly the ARYA still have the authority of saying who will and won't build EC12 in this country.
Fourthly, there will be no Morgan Black world championship here is Australia next year as was planned and with the status quo prevailing it would appear unlikely that this country will ever host such an event by reason of the fact that the entity that controls the class (ARYA) is not faintly interested in promotion of the class. Hell not even one of the current ARYA executive owns, let alone races an EC12!
Fifth, my understanding is that ARYA have been unable to fill the NCC vacancy yet weeks after my resignation. Where are all my detractors and critics??? There should be a line around the block I would have thought just waiting to see the backside of me and step eagerly into the role! But no, there is not one prepared to take it on!! Happy to snipe from the side lines but too gutless to "take up the cudgells". Those people digust me and I am ashamed to even be associated with them by even owning an EC12!!
Sixth, there will be a new mould in the country within the next two weeks that will now no longer be used. This mould IMHO represented the whole new future for the class and it to has been dragged down by the moronic few in NSW!!
Anyway I did not intend this to descend into a rant on my part, but an explanation to all who are interested and to whom I thought that an explanation was due. There is so much more that has happened beyond what I have mentioned here and possibly not enough space on here to fit it all. There are efforts still being made by the secretary of AEC12OA to liase with KD who has indicated that he will undertake further investagative work but weeks later and still no response from him, I can pretty safely say it is just more of the same and words are cheap. We should not hold our collective breath!
The above post is interesting to say the least. Para one contains the grand statement "
There is no provision in the current ARYA Constitution and By-laws to permit the formation of NCAs.The ARYA Executive has considered the situation and by unanimous decision agreed to allow membership of ARYA by NCAs as an interim measure until the Associations new Constitution and By-laws are agreed to.The Executive has agreed to the following interim conditions pending development of permanent arrangements."
As this is the case, why do we have an Australian IOM association?
Why don't the rules apply to all and not single out one class over an other?
I would like to invite any member of the ARYA Executive to educate us on what is the difference between the two examples Aust IOM Ass. Vs AEC12OA and why different rules apply.
There is no provision in the current ARYA Constitution and By-laws to permit the formation of NCAs.The ARYA Executive has considered the situation and by unanimous decision agreed to allow membership of ARYA by NCAs as an interim measure until the Associations new Constitution and By-laws are agreed to.The Executive has agreed to the following interim conditions pending development of permanent arrangements.
(a) That 2/3rd of registered owners in the class are in favour of and intend to seekmembership of the NCA.
(b) That the proposed NCA submit its constitution and regulations to ARYA for approval together with full documentation of any owner polls conducted.
(c) That the NCA be permitted to conduct the day-to-day affairs of the class.
(d) That any proposals to amend the class rules be agreed to by 2/3 of the NCA membership
(e) That proposals to amend class rules shall be referred to a committee comprising the ARYA Technical Officer, an appointee of ARYA and the Technical Officer or other appointee of the NCA who shall submit their recommendation to the ARYA for approval.
(f) The NCA must seek ARYA approval for National and International events conducted within Australia.
(g)Interim NCA's must not exclude non-members from class events
(h)Members of Class Associations must also be a member of an ARYA affiliated Club
The abovementioned arrangements will apply immediately.
Membership of the IOM National Class Association for Australia is automatically granted to all members of ARYA (Inc) who own a certificated or registered IOM. These members are entitled to vote on matters relating to the class as provided in the IOMICA Regulations.
The National Class Association Representative for Australia is Ken Dobbie who may be contacted by email at or Phone (03) 6272 6916, Fax (03) 6272 6963.
Notices to members from IOMICA are posted on the IOMICA web site and on this site from the NCA.
There is an important announcement on the IOMICA site referring to the 2006 World Council Meeting, which seeks proposals from members relating to Class Rule changes and other matters relating to the class. These proposals are required to be with the IOMICA Secretary by 17 July, thus a closing date of 15 July with the NCA representative will apply.
A ballot of Australian members on proposals submitted to the World Council meeting will be conducted during August/September 2006.
Ken Dobbie
IOM NCA Representative for Australia
The above ARYA extract seem to negate any reason or purpose for the ARYA to have issued the recent Interim Associations Policy!
Is anyone able to present factual information that will clarify the difference between the ARYA Aust. IOM approved Association and the current ARYA Interim Association Policy document issued to the Australian EC12 Owners Association?????
Of particular interest on the MM forum, was reference to an existing Aust. IOM Association operating within the ARYA structure. I must say I found this statement somewhat alarming as I fail to comprehend how the IOM Assoc. is not subject to the same ARYA Interim Associations Policy as the Australian EC12 Owners Association?
If anyone is able to clarify this situation relating to the Aust. IOM association, please share your information.
Thanks for your interest - more to follow,
-- Edited by Viking on Thursday 7th of July 2011 02:44:38 PM
How about joining the association? I know of at least one other interested party in WA and perhaps if you were to get together you may be able to find a boat or two, If not I'm sure we could arrange a couple for you.
As you indicated, the design is ideal for shallow water and if there is any weed about, that too is not a problem.
Should you uncover additional EC12 history don't forget to pass it along to Steve and share it with the greater EC12 community.
This presents a good opportunity to enlist help from the WA RC fraternity by providing any information that may lead to locating EC 12s in the region. Please help!
More to follow, John.
-- Edited by Viking on Tuesday 31st of May 2011 03:51:29 PM
The Australian East Coast 12 Owners Association (AEC12OA) was formed in 2010 following a very positive response to a referendum sent to All Known EC12 Owners. The referendum suggested major changes in how the class is managed and the formation of a class to further the interests of the class.
Since that time the Association has become Incorporated, affiliated with the Queensland Radio Yachting Association (QRYA), and become provisionally recognised by the Australian Radio Yachting Association (ARYA).
The objectives of the AEC12OA include the following:
·Promote the EC12 as a one design radio controlled yacht;
·Provide the AEC12OA membership with a democratic process to vote on all matters associated with the class, voice concerns and contribute to the positive outcomes;
·Provide advice and technical assistance to members;
·Keep members informed on issues concerning the class;
·Act as the primary point of liaison with the ARYA on all matters concerning the EC12 including Rules, Measurement Procedure, National and State/Territory events;
·Work with other EC2 National Associations, towards the EC12 becoming an International class with a single set of rules;
·Standardise all future new build hulls in Australia by owning and making available a hull mould formed from the US EC12 Class Master Mould;
·Support the grandfathering and continued sailing of all current and previously ARYA registered hulls in Australia.
The AEC12OA caters for the needs of all interested people with membership not restricted to owning a EC12 boat. This the first opportunity AEC12OA members have had an opportunity to contribute to the effective running of the Class vide a basic democratic process.
Anyone wishing to join would be made most welcome.
Further information on any topic including membership can be obtained from The AEC12OA Peter Morris on (07) 5476 5550 or e-mail at
-- Edited by Viking on Monday 30th of May 2011 03:00:01 PM