The ARYA only bother communicating with those already in the know, and whose opinions, they, the ARYA, know they can count and depend on!
I fail to see how this approach encourages new folks into the sport, and, which has been a bone on contention with me, ever since I became interested in this sport.
And the State bodies, basically, seem to operate the same way!
People outside the sport, stay perpetually ignorant, of what is happening, even in their own State, never mind nationally! And may not even know that these organisations exist!
Which is exactly, ...exactly, what my introduction to this sport was! Even my local hobby stores could not help me with information about clubs, where to sail, to whom to speak to.
A disgraceful situation, that as far as I am aware, still exists today!
Maverick Model Yachting - The Only Way To Go! Secret Alias - Don Leitis
I've read through your opinions & your slant on where ARYA have perhaps gone wrong.
I would agree with you in the most part, other than to say the attitudes & behaviours you describe go far deeper than just the ARYA Committee. Those that seek change will be sucked into the same style & transition will mean nothing happens but Status Quo
It has become a culture within Radio Sailing to chastise, disenfranchise, belittle, berate, Insult & threaten those that speak out in ways that are not agreeable to the poor management style of the ARYA System. Take your own experiences as an example.
The simple answer is we do not need the ARYA as a controlling body. It does not function as a proper committee body as it should anyway. It does not distribute minutes of meetings it is required to have and it pretty much has no bearing on the actions or undertakings of any club or member within Australia.
They are merely seen as the Power in Charge because we let them think they are.
Ask them to do anything and you will get no end of reasons why they can't & eventually a deflection to some other area of responsibility
What is the point in having an Opinion when you can't express it. Because every negative comment is a perceived insult & away we go again.
Have you insulted teh ARYA by your post... Absolutely.. Was that your intention .. Probably Not... But the end result is by default your Opinion regarless of whether it is supporting or not will upset somebody to the point they will claim an insult to them..
Give them opportunity to air their concerns and they will run a mile, hide in the shadows & slag off where they feel comfortable.
Who cares that they have a difference of opinion, the problem with Radio Sailing is the Fear of speaking out.. Pardon the Pun but nobody is allowed to rock the boat.
So asking question like you have here is a waste of your efforts & unlikely to receive a response that you would like.
You pretty much have to accept the current system. Completely flawed & unworkable as it is, there is no alternative.
Not enough people care to move things in another direction so I would just leave the puppets & their masters to wallow in their own anointed power regime & get on doing what you like best.
Off to the ISAF Championships in Fremantle tomorrow, lets hope they managed to cobble together some workable display to show the world how Great & Strong Radio Sailing is in Australia.
This is a World Stage & News Cameras will be there.. What promotion from ARYA & RSAWA to promote their involvement..
Nothing on either website that anybody can find easily..
Even these guys don't care.. It ends in a few weeks anyway & will soon be forgotten.
As the heading states, this sport needs opinions and points of view from all interested parties!
And I totally disagree with the official ARYA position of not airing publicly matters that may seem, to their small minds, detrimental to this sport. To not air matters, even if controversial, is to simply sweep problems under the rug!
And generations of ARYA committees have now made that approach an art form. But it is art that is becoming more distasteful, day by day, to many rank and file members, who have had enough of the ARYA's bullying tactics!
Today's ARYA committe and structure is an anachronism! It's existence in its current form is an anachronism to the promotion of this fantastic sport! It lives in a period past! A period long gone!
Ah, but that is just my opinion!
Other's have made comments. And some comments may have been taken personally when such was not the intent. And my recommendation would be for those persons to settle their differences in private, and before it gets to a stage where people no longer see fit to contribute to a forum whose intention it is to promote this sport.
And to promote open discussion!
Take it from one who knows! The written word can very easily be taken out of context of the writer's intention!
But one thing I will not tolerate on this forum, is an accusation of ill will against another member. Yes, I want opinions, and I may even state something that someone has stated to me in confidence, but it will always be in general terms, and never identifying my coresponder. We must all make judgements in that regard.
If someone has made some comments to me in confidence, but whose comments I consider serious to the benefit of this sport, then I state publicly, that I may, or may not, make a general reference to the issue raised, but I will never reveal the source of a confidential communication, or the specifics of such a communication.
To those who have been, or felt, offended, for any reason and withdrawn their opinions from these forums', I ask you to reconsider those actions.
No matter what the committee of the ARYA may think, this sport is bigger than the individual! And when a certain form of rule has had its day, then change WILL happen.
I liken my experience with the rule of the ARYA over the last 10 years to the likes of the Saddam regime, and the Gaddafi regime, and the failed Egyptian regime, and of all the dictators who thought their reigns of self-indulgent power would last for ever. Do the ARYA also forget what happened in Russia, and East Germany, with the fall of the Berlin Wall.
If the ARYA does not realise that the fall of its inflexible, crony based organisation, is imminent, all that does, is confirm my contempt for the swtupid narrow minded opinions of the incumbents!
Maverick Model Yachting - The Only Way To Go! Secret Alias - Don Leitis